Thursday, March 31, 2016



Written By Brian Selznick
Published by: Scholastic
Copyright: 2011

Stunning, Creative, Beautiful, Intertwined, Thrilling

Reading Level

Lexile: 830L
DRA: 60
Guided Reading: W

Suggested Delivery

Small Group

Electronic Resources

This is a virtual field trip of the Natural history museum that the book uses a lot. This tour is also led by the author Brian Selznick. There are also lesson plans and other activities that go along with the book on this same website.

This website contains links to interviews with the author, lesson plans that go along with the book, a book trailer, and other book resources.

Teaching Strategies

Scavenged- To take or gather
Lapped- To fold over around something
Curate- To take charge of or organize. Usually in a museum
Diorama- A 3-D scene that captures a moment in time
Archive- Documents or records
Cascading- Anything that flows like a waterfall

Reading Strategies
Before Reading: Text Impressions- Before reading the book the teacher will put on the board one at a time about 5-10 interesting or important words from the book to help guide predictions of what the book is about
During Reading: Split-Page Notetaking- Instead of using it the traditional way of having one side be the notes and the other side be key words the students can split their papers into two and write down the journey of Ben on one side and the journey of Rose on the other to compare the two stories.
After Reading: Collaborative Conversations- Students will get into groups. They will then have about 15-20 minute conversations with each other about their questions from the book, what they liked the most etc. If possible have students record the conversations to go over and keep for future reference.

Writing Activity

Students can do research on their favorite diorama from the American Museum of Natural History from the book. Have them write a story about that specific diorama using information they learned from their research.

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